Our family started Always Fresh Fruit & Flowers, in Clarkston, Michigan in May of 2005. We began providing fresh fruit & flowers to 20 local gas stations that agreed to give our program a try. Because of hard work and our dedication to quality products and customer service, we began to expand rapidly. Within 3 years, Always Fresh Fruit & Flowers was providing service to convenience stores in Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky and Indiana.
Always Fresh Fruit & Snacks became one of the largest fresh fruit and snack food wholesale vending companies (DSD) in the nation. Providing professional, on-time service to over 1,400 convenience stores across 11 states. Always Fresh Fruit & Snacks is the leader in the fresh fruit DSD industry, as well as a “Preferred Vendor” for some of the largest convenience store chains in the country.
Always Fresh Fruit & Snacks understands the unique challenges of delivering highly perishable, high quality, fresh produce to large corporate convenience store chains as well as smaller independent stores & chains. We are addressing the many challenges of providing high quality, fresh produce to economically challenged inner-cities & towns where it is not easily available or cost effective for the large wholesale distributors to provide service.

Standard Program offers our customers a set product cost and retail pricing for ALL products provided. There are NO minimums for your orders and everything is 100% Guaranteed. Always Fresh Fruit & Snacks will provide a beautiful 4-tier metal fruit display will be provided for the duration of our service at no cost.

Set Your Own Price Program** gives our customers the opportunity to control the retail pricing for BANANAS ONLY and gives our customers the freedom to run 2 for $____ promotions on bananas only. Bananas, in this program, are NOT GUARANTEED due to special pricing. There is a required minimum order of bananas per delivery. Standard Program, features and guarantees, will continue to be in effect for ALL products in this program EXCEPT BANANAS.

Professional, On-Time Service is what sets us apart from our competition. Always Fresh Fruit & Snacks delivers “once every 5 days” which means, in a 2-week period, customers will receive fruit delivery on Monday, again on Friday, then the following Wednesday. Twice a week service is available in many high-volume markets.

Always Fresh Fruits & Snacks will inspect each piece of fruit and every snack for freshness and quality. Products that do not pass our inspection will be removed and a credit will be issued. The fruit stand will be cleaned and a fresh supply of fresh fruit and snacks will be professionally presented to your customers. An Always Fresh Fruit & Snacks representative will complete the paperwork, review the invoice with your team member, collect the appropriate signatures. Payment will be collected if applicable, billing options are also available.
Always Fresh Fruit & Snacks guarantees 100% of the products we provide, in our Standard Program, to our customers. Our customers have “peace of mind” knowing their bottom line margin is always guaranteed and protected against loss.
**This program is not available in all areas; certain restrictions will apply.
Contact Us
Always Fresh Fruit & Snacks, LLC.
P.O. Box 746, Rolesville, NC. 27571
Phone: (248) 941-7844
E-mail: AF3LLC@hotmail.com
Locations Served
Always Fresh Fruit & Snacks provides DSD service to over 1,400 convenience stores in the following states:
• Michigan • Ohio
• Indiana • Illinois
• Kentucky • Tennessee
• North Carolina • South Carolina
• Florida • Texas
• Arizona
In 2016, Always Fresh Fruit & Snacks became an official member of NACS (National Association of Convenience Stores) and a member of the United Fresh Produce Association. Through these powerful associations, we will have the opportunity to connect with Federal, State & Local leaders and lawmakers in order to help create an environment that is more supportive to our cause of getting more high quality, fresh produce into the areas of our country that desperately need it.